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July 13, 2013

When Food Might Kill You...!!!!!!!!!

The fish that might kill you, the bean that contains cyanide, the seeds that has ricin and the leafs that has the same acid as in bleach. The foods that might kill you even from the first bite, 7 poisonous foods you should be warned about!

1. The fogo fish
The first person to try this kind of fish was probably the owner of a very high sense of adventurism. Almost all fishes from this family contain tetrodotoxin which is a very powerful nerve affecting poison that blocks the sodium channels in the nerve cells and can cause death in a very short time period. It is 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide. The amount of poison in one fish can kill up to 30 people and there is no known antidote for it. This dish is considered to be a very expensive one and requires a licence to prepare. 23 people die annually from eating the fogo fish, and 338 had been poisoned between the years 2000-2009.
poisonous foods
2. Lima bean
Like any other Fabaceae, it is not recommended to eat the lima bean uncooked has the result can be disastrous. the bean, also called “the butter bean”, can hold large amounts of cyanide. But if you feel like eating a dish of lima beans, check it is properly cooked\steamed to be sure its poisons part is gone.
poisonous foods

3. Castor seeds
While the castor oil can treat different pain and problems, the seeds of the castor plant can kill you. while chewing the seeds they release ricin – one of the most powerful toxins known to man (6,000 stronger than cyanide). it takes a very low quantity of seeds to cause a very quick death. so if you bump into the plant and have an urge to taste it – you better contain yourself and buy the clean castor oil thats been filtered from the poison.
poisonous foods
4. Cassava
The bitter plant is mostly grown in south america. Just like bitter almonds – the cassava also contains cyanide in it. If you manage to get your hands on one of these you should handle it properly with soaking it and drying it. There is almost no danger in western countries since it is prepared properly in all places, but in africa this plant is considered one of the main causes for death. A lot of poor people who consume Cassava on a daily basis suffer from cyanide poisoning also called “Konzo”.
5. Rhubarb plant
The Rhubarb plant serve as a great base for cakes but his leafs contains oxalic acid – a chemical compound that is present in bleach, cleaning products for metals and products that prevent rust. The leafs on this plant also contain materials that can cause mouth burns, throat pain and can make you vomit feel really really sick.
6. Tomatoes and potatoes
The leafs and roots of these rather basic foods contain an organic compound called Sulnin. The potatoes are particularly poisonous and has sulnin in a very high concentration when he emerges from the ground and still being green. Generally – potatoes has more poisonous material than tomatoes. Sulnin has very rare poisonous cases, since it requires you to eat very large amounts of potatoes for it to make any affect. but if you happen to eat a green potato – take notice to things like over drooling, diarrhea, slow pulse, fast breathing and lowered blood pressure.
7. Mushrooms
No list of poisonous foods is complete without mentioning mushrooms, especially the amanita Phalloides that can cause death along with the Amanita Ocreata aka “The destroying angel”.
Even though we know the possible dangers of these mushrooms, poisonous cases are registered each year, since people are having troubles identifying the mushrooms.

July 6, 2013

Warning: World’s strongest coffee

“Death wish” is the official name of a new coffee mix, that according to Colia, can make the world’s strongest coffee. The Death Wish Coffee includes 200% more caffeine than an average cup of coffee – but stays rich in its taste and aroma.

According to the explanation in the company’s website that makes the coffee, It’s secret lies in the coffee beans themselves  They are Arabica coffee beans, that are considered to be the ones with the richest taste ever – even in those that includes less caffeine. The company claims that they have found a special breed of beans that includes all the taste and all the caffeine - and can even withstand relatively long roasting , that produces more taste without losing the caffeine amount on the way.
The amount of caffeine is suppose to influence the body very strongly  than any other cup of coffee – and bring you to a very high level of alertness and vigor for a short period of time – “Death Wish” influenced some of the testers (and tasters) for many hours – even a whole day!
This may sound a bit weird, but the company promise to give back %110 of the price to whom ever drinks the coffee and finds it disappointing. A bag with a little less than half a kilo will cost you $19.99, not including delivery. This is not an expensive price compared to other mixtures of gourmet coffee packs. These can be ordered as coffee beans or ground coffee – and according to the company this bag might savour its taste for two-three months. (although ground coffee holds much less.)

95% do not wash hands properly – This is how you do it right

A new american research found that most of the people do not wash hands properly and in a way and enough time that will protect them from germs. What are the differences between men and women, Is it necessary to use soap with every wash and how would you know to do it right?

Problems with hygiene? The new american research found that even though its a very simple and basic routine, people just don’t wash hands properly and in a right way.
They checked 3,749 people and found that 95% of them can not handle the job. 
How do you wash hands properly?
The world organization of health wrote specific instructions on how to wash your hands properly that will also benefit your health.
Length of wash. Its important to wash your hands for 20-60 seconds at least, and not forget to use soap with every wash.
Thoroughness. How surprising, but most people do not wash thoroughly enough. Don’t forget to wash between your fingers, under your nails and the back of your hand.
Wash times. It may be obvious to most people, but its a fact that people do not always follow the rules. its very important to wash your hands before eating and of course – after leaving the bathroom.
Disinfection and protection. Many thinks that using a disinfecting liquid will help, but if you are near water and soap – that is the best wash.

June 26, 2013

Magic OF art

                         POSTED BY-<<<<<<<<<<<<<VIKRAM>>>>>>>>>>>

May 7, 2013

How to score a 10 CGPA in 10th Board exams?

There are some tips and tricks that will help you a lot in preparation for the board exams. How many subjects, you touch for on daily basis and how much time you give for a single subject. What is the way of your preparation, these are some points which plays very important role in getting and scoring good marks in the board exams. Lets talk about how to prepare:

Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you to give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But dont study continuously. Just make a schedule like that

Study for 1 hour for a subject dedicatedly. Take a small break. In break you can talk to your friends but dont discuss about study. You can watch TV also and watch only that program you like most. You can do anything interesting you like. Then again come to study. And give one hour for second subject and study with full dedication; dont think ...more
Make some good notes, schedule your study in a nice way... go online for more help... you can get help from www.examfear.com also.. i know that it is a very good site where u can find more and more materials for your exam. like online test and many more
Make a time table. Concentrate well. Donot leave any chapters.
Have adequate sleep. Donot skip meals. Practice early morning study